

From Dunns Creek Citizen Support Organization—A Thank You Note

On behalf of the Friends of Dunns Creek, the CSO helping the Dunns Creek State Park, I thank the Palatka Yacht Club for the donation of the trailer that made our new kayak trailer possible. The project has been completed successfully and six of our kayaks now
have a protective home. Help from proactive organizations such as the Palatka Yacht Club go a long way toward the opening of the Park and the amenities it will soon

Once again, thank you
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bob Trail, member of the board of directors, Dunns Creek
Citizens  Support Organization

A sample of our newsletters

For more information, send us an email at the address on the bottom of the screen, and we’ll have a member get in contact with you. Or better yet, think about joining the wonderful group of people at Palatka Yacht Club.

November 2013

September – October 2013

August 2013

July 2013

May – June 2013

April 2013

March 2013

February 2013